What you can do during your stay in N'kob village ?

Visit of the 45 kasbah of the village of Nkob and its palm grove: You can explore the village with our local guide to meet the Berber peasants in order to discover the Berber culture especially from the tribe of Ait Atta, this derivation is stabilized in this village after having given up nomadic life, thanks to the drought and climate change that the region has attacked. now he lives in beautiful kasbahs and mud houses. Now he lives in beautiful kasbahs and mud houses.

Traditional hammam and live the Moroccan culture:

You can enjoy a good scrub with traditional cosmetic products. At your request, a girl from the village can give you henna tattoos (a method of transmitting cultures).
Enjoy the Nkob village local folklore troupes (Ahidous, Ismkhan, Boutbaja… (on request) Berber music and dance is the most fun show thanks to this show you will discover the wedding traditions of our Ait Atta tribe.
Ismkhan is gnawa music: this music from black Africa, this population has a magnificent dance and music with drums and Qraqueb, the gnawas of Essaouira add another instrument called “the hajhouje” which is absent in our regional team.
Boutbaja is playing the flute: it is a person who plays with an instrument made by himself, the shepherds when they take care of their herd of goats they spend the time playing this magnificent instrument.

You can enjoy these activities in our kasbah after asking us in advance to book them for you!

Addition to music and tattooing. You can also enjoy a lesson in preparing a tagine or couscous in our Berber way. You will learn how the Berber delight is formed!

Watch the starry sky on your terrace, with a telescope​​

Nkob village

Shisha in the terrace​

shecha kasbah
morocco trips